Britta Kresse
Telefon: +49 561 20172782
Werdegang: ...
Heilpraktikerin seit 2002
Zahlreiche Fortbildungen in verschiedensten Bereichen.
Homöopathie gelernt am
" London College Of Practical Homoeopathy"
und " Kreative Homöopathie nach Antonie Peppler"
( Pflanzenheilkunde) nach Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Weitere Behandlungsarten sind möglich:
Of Advanced Sound-Wave Energy
(Geistige Energiearbeit)
SOUL LANDSCAPES: 22 Paintings by Babaji (copy)
Babaji painted these pictures with the intent to guide, heal and
balance the soul. The states of the soul depicted by these paintings are the healed states, the states in their completion.
The human soul develops in
spiral form, passing through the same stages again and again. Ever on a higher level, on a more subtle level, while the principles, the steps to be taken remain the same. No stage is more advanced
than the other. All stages together build a complete circle.
Each healing picture represents
one of 22 main stages of development in their completion. These are 22 particular ways of existing, feeling, thinking, doing and being. A picture always strongly resonates with the person who is in
the phase of soul development related to the picture.
You are capable of sensing
or feeling the healing vibration needed at a given time by simply being attracted to the picture reflecting this healed soul state. You will naturally select the picture which contains the healing
vibration that will guide and balance your soul for a certain time in your life: either for a specific aspect of personality or for necessary growth or for being shown the healed state
Water placed on a healing picture absorbs its vibrations and can be
used for drinking, cooking, watering plants.
---Teresa Surja Dawson
Britta Kresse
Vor dem Siegen 27
34355 Staufenberg / Speele
Rufen Sie einfach an
mobil: 01522 879 7719